Register for Memory Laws in Europe and Beyond: Towards Ethical Governance of Historical Narratives

The MELA Project is proud to announce that registrations have opened for its final conference, to be held on May 24th at the Brussels School of International Studies (University of Kent), Brussels.

Memory Laws in Europe and Beyond:

Towards Ethical Governance of Historical Narratives

Theater-Mountain-Construction Klee


Governments constantly use law and policy to promote official understandings of history. By prohibiting and punishing certain interpretations of the past, states regulate how historical memory is shaped and history is understood. This conference, organised in collaboration with the University of Kent (Brussels School of International Studies) and the Asser Institute (The Hague), is the culmination of three years of research by the Memory Laws in European and Comparative Perspective (MELA) Project. The conference will examine normative frameworks for evaluating governments and helping international organisations to identify problems and abuses arising from the use of law to shape historical memory. Contemplating bridges between academic research and civil society organisations, we shall seek a wide-ranging perspective on the governance of historical memory in Europe and around the world.


To register for the conference, please click here.

To view the conference programme, please click here

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